Removing the Table of Contents, Bookmarks, or Index


If a report contains a table of contents, bookmarks, or index, one or all of these items can be removed quickly using the built-in tools in the report builder.


The table of contents, bookmarks, or index for a report can be removed using the Clear TOC/Bookmark/Index tool in the Report menu for the report builder.


Clicking on Clear TOC/Bookmark/Index opens the Remove TOC/Bookmark/Index dialog. This window displays what sections are currently included in the report.


To delete a section, uncheck the checkbox for the section you want to remove. This will delete the section from the report. For example, in the image above, unchecking Has Index will delete the index from the report.

If the report does not contain bookmarks, a table of contents, or an index, the checkbox for the section will be disabled. If none of these sections are in the report, you will be shown a message that there are no bookmarks, table of contents, or index entries in the report.

Nothing Defined: There are no bookmarks, table of contents or index entries defined.


Freeform and Layout Table Reports Only